
This publication is an attempt to draw conclusions, share reflections and summarize experiences after the implementation of the anti-discrimination project “Hip hop! Hatters stop” and its development “The big dog does not bark”. The most important goal of both initiatives was to try to face the hate speech that everyone is talking about today, but no one is proposing a concrete plan and a constructive way to counter it. The group we chose to work with – young people are, in our opinion, the most vulnerable and exposed to the negative effects of this disturbing phenomenon.

Folder wydany w 2018 roku prezentujący postać Sergio Vieira de Mello oraz dotychczasowych laureatów. Publikacja podsumowuje i przywołuję historię 15 edycji Nagrody.

Broszura prezentująca historię, działalność i programy realizowane przez Stowarzyszenie Willa Decjusza. Publikacja wydana w języku polskim i angielskim. TODO

The publication is the culmination of the 3rd edition of the SAGA creativity workshops for the elderly, which we have been implementing since 2012. It includes texts awarded and honored in the literary competition “Saga – Heroes of Everyday Life,” as well as a selection of works created during the workshops at Villa Decius, led by Katarzyna Kubisiowska and Joanna Pawluśkiewicz. The authors of all texts are people over 55 years of age.

The publication is devoted to the 10th edition of the Polish Prize of Sergio Veira de Mello, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (2002 – 2003). The distinction has been awarded for ten years to people and non-governmental organizations for activities devoted to peaceful co-existence and co-functioning of communities, religions and cultures.

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