

Publication, “Solidarity: Women in Opposition”.

We would like to encourage you to check the publication entitled. “Solidarity: Women in Resistance”, created within the framework of the project “WIRE – Woman in Resistance”.

More information about the project and the possibility to download the publication (in Polish) can be found here.

The aim of the project is to popularize knowledge about the role of women in resistance movements against totalitarian regimes in Poland, Spain, Greece and Italy at different historical moments.

The autumn edition of the Visegrad Literary Residencies has started

The autumn edition of the Visegrad Literary Residencies has started

We wrześniu rozpoczęła się jesienna tura tegorocznych Wyszehradzkich Rezydencji Literackich. W Willi Decjusza do końca listopada przebywać będzie czworo twórców z Polski, Czech, Słowacji oraz Węgier.
Culture in exile. Solidarity Days at Villa Decius

Culture in exile. Solidarity Days at Villa Decius

On June 3-4, 2023, the second edition of the “Culture in Exile. Days of Solidarity at Villa Decius” will take place. It is our response to the difficult situation of the democratic opposition in Belarus and the deepening crisis of democratic values and civil liberties in that country. Bearing in mind the figures and efforts of Polish artists in exile, we invite Belarusians – victims of political oppression, who were forced to emigrate from their homeland to find a new place to live and work.
Study visit of a literary group to Villa Decius

Study visit of a literary group to Villa Decius

The Senior Activity Center at Villa Decius hosted a group of literature enthusiasts from Nuremberg. The participants of the meeting discussed culture, literature and possible cooperation.
Join us for a meeting with Belarusian artists!

Join us for a meeting with Belarusian artists!

On September 24 at 3 pm, another event within the framework of “Culture in Exile” will take place at Villa Decius. The villa spaces will host three prominent Belarusian artists – Dmitri Strotsev, Nasta Kudasava and Artur Kamaroŭski – who were forced into political exile from their homeland.
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