
Since its creation, the Villa has hosted eminent philosophers and artists many times, serving as a meeting place, open to anyone who shared the humanistic values close to its first owner. Justus Decius held correspondence disputes here with Nicolaus Copernicus and Erasmus of Rotterdam, his son, a Calvinist, paved the way for a new understanding of religious tolerance in Poland, and Marcelina Czartoryska ran an art salon gathering many recognized musicians and writers.

When, after six years of conservation work, completed thanks to the efforts of many people and organizations, as well as thanks to significant financial outlays from the city, the Villa was reopened to the inhabitants of Krakow, it was decided to refer to this inspiring tradition. It was decided that the Villa will continue to serve better understanding, understanding and cooperation of representatives of different nations and cultures. For this purpose, the Villa Decius Association was established in 1995.

The proposal to make Villa Decius the seat of an institution dedicated to people of science, artists and translators was first presented by Karl Dedecius during the CSCE Symposium on May 30, 1991 in Krakow. This idea was developed and implemented under the patronage of the Municipality of the City of Krakow and the International Cultural Center in Krakow. Subsequent Resolutions concerning the Villa, whose legal owner is the city of Kraków, defined the cultural and scientific functions of the Villa in more detail: resolutions of June 12, 1992 (City Council), June 14, 1993 (City Board) and June 27, 1993 (International Academy Committee of the European Union), and on June 30, 1992, the Agreement between the Minister of Culture and Art of the Republic of Poland and the Mayor of the City of Krakow.

The activities of the Villa Decius Association are based on the concept of an international academy – a place for meetings and cooperation between scientists and creators of culture. The Association cooperates with institutions in the country and abroad that strive to protect the heritage of national and regional cultures, initiate intercultural dialogue and promote key values for international integration.


President of the Board of the Villa Decius Association:
Henryk Woźniakowski
Treasurer of the Villa Decius Association:
Stefan Salamon
Member of the Villa Decius Association:
Romana Maciuk-Agnel


1. Prof. Jacek Banaś
2. dr Zbigniew Beiersdorf
3. Marcin Gajda
4. dr hab. Bożena Gierat-Bieroń, prof. UJ
5. dr Danuta Glondys
6. Doc. Krzysztof Görlich
7. Alicja Grymek
8. Zbigniew Jamka
9. dr hab. Dominika Kasprowicz, prof. UJ
10. Józef Lassota
11. Romana Maciuk-Agnel
12. Prof. Zdzisław Mach
13. dr Piort Marecki
14. dr hab. Magdalena Mikołajczyk
15. Prof. Emil Orzechowski
16. Prof. Andrzej Pach
17. dr Patricia Pászt
18. Elżbieta Penderecka
19. Robert Piaskowski
20. Prof. Jacek Popiel
21. Prof. Jacek Purchla
22. Henryka Rupik
23. Stefan Konstanty Salamon
24. dr Tomasz Sendyka
25. Renata Serednicka
26. Bogusław Sonik
27. Prof. Kazimierz Strzałka
28. dr Tomasz Szczypiński
29. Prof. Ryszard Tadeusiewicz
30. Katarzyna Trojanowska
31. Prof. Michał Vašečka
32. Henryk Woźniakowski
33. Jolanta Zachara
34. Prof. Krystyna Zachwatowicz-Wajda
35. Prof. Andrzej Zoll
36. Jan Piekło
37. Prof. Adam Bodnar
38. Aleksandra Szymańska-Niekłań

Supporting Members:

1. Prof. Tomasz Gizbert-Studnicki
2. Piotr Łukasiewicz
3. Andrzej Nowakowski
4. Przemysław Pohrybieniuk

Revision Committee:

1. Chairman: Krzysztof Görlich
2. Kazimierz Strzałka
3. Katarzyna Trojanowska
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