
For over twenty five years, the Villa Decius Association has become an important opinion-forming cultural institution of international importance. The activities of the Association have been honored with many awards and distinctions. The most important are:

Krakow Ambassador of Multiculturalism – 2022

The title “Krakow Ambassador of Multiculturalism” is awarded annually by the Mayor of the City of Krakow at the request of the Chapter of Multiculturalism, for activities aimed at promoting cultural, ethnic, religious diversity and integration of Krakow residents and foreign communities in the previous calendar year.

Friend of Visegrad – 2020

An award granted to organizations as a recognition of their lasting contribution to the development of good relations in the Visegrad region and among its inhabitants through their actions

European Medal, XXXI Edition – 2020

The award is granted as part of a non-commercial, nationwide project promoting the ideas of the European Union in the business environment. The award distinguishes products and services that do not differ in their standard from the European level.

International Visegrad Prize

The International Visegrad Prize is the most prestigious award in Central Europe, established by the ministers of culture of Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary in 2004 and awarded annually to distinguished persons and institutions for their activities for the development of cultural cooperation of the Visegrad Group countries. The Villa Decius Association received this award on May 31, 2012 in Prague during the inauguration of the Polish Presidency of the Visegrad Group.

Meritorious for District VII

During the celebration of District VII of the City of Krakow in June 2006, the Villa Decius Association was honored with the title of “Meritorious for District VII” for initiative and contributing to the development of culture in the District and in Krakow. The Lajkonik statuette was presented to Danuta Glondys, the director of the Association, by the chairman of the district council, Dr. Piotr Chechelski.

Diploma of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland

On September 7, 2005, the head of Polish diplomacy, Adam Daniel Rotfeld, presented the Villa Decius Association with the Diploma of the Minister of Foreign Affairs for outstanding contribution to the promotion of Poland in the world in 2004. Diplomas are an honorary distinction awarded annually since 1970. Myslovitz team, Jurek Owsiak and Marek Kamiński.

Distinction of Honor – Diploma of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

In May 2005, Danuta Glondys – Director of Villa Decius – received the Distinction of Honor from Borys Tarasyuk, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine – the highest Ukrainian award for foreigners for persistent efforts to strengthen friendly relations between Poland and Ukraine.

Pro Publico Bono

On November 11, 2004, during the Independence Day celebrations, the Villa Decius Association received the first prize in the Pro Publico Bono Competition in the category “The best initiative in the field of international and interethnic contacts”, with particular emphasis on activities for the integration of Poland with the European Union.
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