The Villa Decius Association hosted a group of participants of the international research project: “City and Co-operation: Older Adults Co-Creating a Sustainable Age-friendly City”, which visited Krakow. Teams of researchers from Poland (Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Wroclaw University of Life Sciences), Romania (National University of Political Studies and Public Administration), the Netherlands (The Hague University of Applied Sciences) and representatives from the Association of Dutch Municipalities and cities: The Hague, Krakow, Wroclaw took part in meetings in Krakow institutions working for the benefit of the city’s residents, especially the elderly. The broadly presented activities of the Centre for Senior Citizens’ Activities project in Villa Decius met with great and genuine interest among the study visit participants. Most impressive of all was the large drawing group, who presented their paintings illustrating the effects of the classes and the enormous energy they put into developing this passion. The presentation of the programme was attended by Dr Anna Okońska-Walkowicz, Plenipotentiary of the Mayor of the City of Kraków for Senior Citizens’ Policy, who supplemented the message with the principles of the City’s cooperation with the network of Senior Citizens’ Activity Centres operating in Kraków.