Cultural Heritage
Concert by ETNO Choir from Belarus, 29.07.2023
About the concert:
As part of “Culture in Exile”, the second concert of the ETNO Choir from Belarus, organized by Villa Decius, took place in Cracow’s Jordan Park at the end of July. The concert was a companion event to the Belarusian Picnic “Letucień” initiated four years ago by the local Belarusian diaspora.
As a reminder, in June 2023 the band performed as part of the festival “Culture in Exile. Days of Solidarity” at Villa Decius, presenting the traditional Belarusian women’s ritual of “kumlenie”, which involves weaving garlands together and passing through a gate made of birch branches – so that mutual friendship would last throughout the coming year. This time, during the July concert, the artists presented Belarusian songs traditionally sung at the end of summer, associated with activities typical of the period, such as harvest.
* Project co-financed by the Foundation for International Solidarity within the framework of Polish development cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
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