Cultural Heritage
Sunday at Decius
An annual artistic open-air event in the form of a family picnic held in the historic interiors and surroundings of Villa Decius (16th edition in 2013).
The artistic concept is based on a dialogue between history and modernity and a combination of various art disciplines: art, dance, theater and music. The outdoor stage hosts performances by children’s and youth groups as well as Polish artists. The open-air event is addressed to children and teenagers from primary and secondary schools and community centers, as well as residents of Krakow and tourists visiting our city. The main idea of the event is to promote joint learning through play. Participants will enjoy all-day attractions: games and fun at educational stations. By visiting individual stands, the youngest participants of the open-air event obtain thematic passports. To receive a picnic trophy, visit all educational stations and complete simple tasks. The picnic is an opportunity to gain knowledge and take part in thematic competitions. All competition participants receive attractive book prizes funded by publishing houses and internet portals. Participants: children and teenagers from primary and junior high schools and their parents, residents of the district and Krakow, students of Krakow universities, tourists from Poland and abroad. Co-organizers: District Council VII Zwierzyniec and the Helen Doron Center.
fot. P. Mazur