Cultural Heritage

Renaissance Route in Lesser Poland – Completed

The main objective of the task is to activate and promote the cultural heritage trail of Malopolska through the organization of open events and making the historic buildings dating back to the Renaissance era available to the general public in an attractive, comprehensive and integrated formula with particular emphasis on the history and traditions of the region.

About project:

Between 2007 and 2012, the Villa Decius Association implemented six editions of the Renaissance Route in Malopolska project. In each edition, new sites are included in the project, where open Meetings with Renaissance Culture are held with the participation of guides, experts representing such fields as history, art history, architecture, historic preservation and artists. The opening of the monuments is each time accompanied by a special program aimed at the open public and dedicated to Renaissance culture, consisting of specialized lectures, presentations of architectural assumptions, exhibitions, concerts of early music, fairs and historical dance shows.


Willa Decjusza
Willa Decjusza


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