

Read new RADAR online

After nine years since the last issue of “Radar” magazine was published, we decided to prepare a unique trilingual (Polish-Ukrainian-German) publication, which refers to the previous issues of “Radar” published in 2010-2014.

In the era of dynamically changing reality, growing divisions and events involving not only our closest neighbors, but also more broadly the whole of Europe, the world, the Villa Decius Association in cooperation with the Villa Decius Institute for Culture and thanks to the financial support of the Goethe Institut prepared a special edition of the publication, returning to the ideas behind the “Radar”. For years, Villa Decius has been running and constantly expanding residency programs for artists from all over the world, supporting their artistic activities and large-scale intercultural exchange. “Radar” has also been one such platform for cooperation. The special edition of “Radar” aims to re-create a space for just such socio-cultural exchange.

The new Radar will feature essays, dramas, conversations and poems that have the idea of home as their common denominator. We have invited to the pages of the new issue the people who created “Radar” years ago: authors and authors, translators and translators, scholarship holders and scholarship recipients of Villa Decius – people whose world changed dramatically as a result of the outbreak of war.

On January 17, 2023, Krakow hosted the premiere of the edition, combined with a discussion with the authors and translators, titled. “HOPE.TIME.CHANGE – A Meeting of Different Languages and Perspectives,” featuring Natalka Sniadanko, Jacek Dehnel and Andreas Volk, and Urszula Pieczek.

Broadcast of the event [PL] is available at the link:

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Watch stream of premiere meeting

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