

Recruitment for residency has been completed

We have completed collecting applications from artists interested in participating in the Arts in Exile programme. In total, we received as many as 36 applications from 20 countries. Thank you very much for all the applications sent, they will all be reviewed and each applicant will be informed with the results of the call.

Due to the number and volume of portfolios sent, the results will not be announced before 23 May.


The Arts in Exile project is a residency programme that aims to provide a creative platform for artists who have experienced forced migration in their lives. It offers a three-month residency at Villa Deciusz for three artists representing different fields of art: literature, visual arts and music.

During the residency, the artists will undertake both individual creative work and enter into a dialogue with each other. Collaboration, the use of their own experiences and different fields of art will allow them to prepare a multimedia artistic event for local audiences. The thematic area of the artists’ work will be cultural heritage, migration, minorities, functioning in the community, inclusion and exclusion, trauma or artistic freedom. These themes will provide a framework for exploration, allowing artists to explore personal experiences and tell their Stories to audiences. At the end of the residency there will be a final event at Villa Decius, where the artists will present the results of their work to a local audience.

As well as supporting artists in their creative endeavours, the Arts in Exile project aims to promote sensitivity and acceptance of diversity in the local community and support the formation of more inclusive and empathetic communities.

Maria Elena Bonet: Exploring creativity, resilience, and art through an artistic journey

Maria Elena Bonet: Exploring creativity, resilience, and art through an artistic journey

We are sharing a clip prepared in Villa Decius during an Artistic Residency under Arts in Exile programme.
21. VSS - Call for applications is open

21. VSS – Call for applications is open

Visegrad Summer School is a 10-day program that educates and integrates young people from V4, CEE and WB countries in terms of policy, new technologies and trends, cultural management, human rights and universal tolerance. During this year’s edition of the VSS, 30 participants will attend workshops and development lectures focused on future trajectories, new technologies and cultural management.
Culture in exile. Solidarity Days at Villa Decius

Culture in exile. Solidarity Days at Villa Decius

On June 3-4, 2023, the second edition of the “Culture in Exile. Days of Solidarity at Villa Decius” will take place. It is our response to the difficult situation of the democratic opposition in Belarus and the deepening crisis of democratic values and civil liberties in that country. Bearing in mind the figures and efforts of Polish artists in exile, we invite Belarusians – victims of political oppression, who were forced to emigrate from their homeland to find a new place to live and work.
The 21st Visegrad Summer School behind us!

The 21st Visegrad Summer School behind us!

Villa Decius from July 3-12, 2023 hosted the 21st Visegrad Summer School, a unique educational and cultural program aimed at students, graduates, young researchers and professionals from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary, as well as other Central and Eastern European countries.
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