Art Installation | “Some paths lead somewhere”


Performance | MINIMUM DECAY

23rd Visegrad Summer School – Call for applications
The award-winning statutory activity of the Association is interdisciplinary, and the subject of the implemented projects concerns European cooperation.

The activities of the Association are accompanied by a strong sense of social and civic responsibility, which allows us to provide effective tools and examples of social dialogue. Building a narrative on key social problems, European and international cooperation, or the issue of national minorities allows us to shape the attitude of civic openness and tolerance to challenges posed by the world. The belief that the broadly understood humanities, understood as intended by the creator of Villa Justus Decius, based on the exchange of thoughts and an interested approach to the unknown, is a chance for development and the right path for democracy and social order. At the same time, this attitude should be defined very broadly, because the activities of the Association are addressed to both the local community and the cultural and scientific communities on a national and international platform. The consequence of this attitude is a number of projects that are and will be undertaken at Villa Decius.

60. K. Góralczyk, M. Szuniewicz-Stępień, Ochrona dóbr kultury w sytuacjach kryzysowych i konfliktach zbrojnych. Tom II, Wydawnictwo Akademickie AMW/Seria IKWD, Gdynia/Kraków 2022.

53. D. Glondys, Z. Jóźwik, Powrót upadłych imperiów, Kraków 2015

43. A. G. Piotrowska, Flamenco – pod czarnym księżycem, czyli muzyczne dziedzictwo Romów, Kraków 2013